is there a supernaturaldimension? a world beyond the one we know? is there life after death? do angels exist? can our dreams contain messagesfrom heaven? can we tap into ancient secretsof the supernatural? are healing miracles real? sid roth has spent over 35 yearsresearching the strange world of the supernatural.
join sid for this edition ofit's supernatural. sid: hello. sid rothhere. welcome. welcome to my world where it'snaturally supernatural. what is the condition of yourfaith? your faith today is based onyour experiences from the past. too many people have not seenthe results they're looking for and as a result have loweredtheir expectations. too many people, because of notseeing the results they expected, have actually changedtheir theology.
it's time for a faith detox. it's time, because jesus isgetting ready to return, it's absolutely time for a 30-dayadventure in the supernatural of god to be normal, normal asdefined by the bible. you know, there are invisibletoxins that are affecting people's faith. for instance, laura, i rememberwhen i was a brand new believer i went to a kenneth haginmeeting and he taught about how to stand on the word of god.
i got home and a loved onedeveloped cancer. laura: right. sid: and i have not developed myunderstanding of the word of god, and as a result, i wasdevastated. sid: we really have an enemythat is trying to undermine the word of god. now here you are a pastor'swife. you've got six children. laura: i do.
sid: and you've seen all sortsof miracles. but then it happens to you. sid: height of your life. what happened? laura: yes. well the enemy has always triedto use health issues with me. but four years ago my king sizelife really caught up with me. you can't forget the eightchildren. you know, the big family, andyes, my husband and i pastored
this church. there's my writing. i'm involved in so many thingsand that's fine. many people love what they do. but i was giving myself onlyfour to five hours sleep a night. and i went to the doctor forsomething totally unrelated and a test came back showing that iwas on the brink of adrenal failure.
basically it is stage 4 is whenall of your organs shut down. they're no longer being fueledby your adrenalin and your cortisol. well i was in stage 3, so i wastold make changes or die. so i went on total bed rest andthen i was told 18 to 24 months it would take to turn around,really wake up all of my organs. and thanks to using food asmedicine, and i still believe i received a miracle, because insix months i was the picture of health.
sid: and you know what's soamazing? you can see she's a very vitaltype of person. but you say you have morevitality now than you had when you were in high school. laura: yes, i really do. and i believe in thesupernatural power of god, the regeneration of our youth. but we have to give godsomething to work with. i believe in miracles, but i'mtelling you, sid, at the church
where we pastor in nashville,eastgate, i have always noticed that when people come to thealtar for prayer they want a miracle, but they don't want tosteward it afterwards. and that really began to saddenmy heart, and so i noticed that the people who came to thealtar, their prayers all fell into one of five categories. it was either for their health,their finances, their relationships, the social issuesgoing on in the world around them or their own personalidentity.
and so i began to work withpeople in those five areas getting their faith bolstered inthose areas, but doing it with a three-pronged approach: body,mind and spirit. sid: it's, you know, mostchristians they recognize they have to do something about theiremotions, their hurts. laura: yes, some do, yes. sid: they might realize it, butmost don't do it. sid: but most christians, thelast thing they think about is their body.
laura: it's so sad. it's taking so many people out. we are putting ammunition in theenemy's gun and he would love nothing more than to take outthe army of god. so yes, we've done a great jobin the last few decades educating christians onspiritual warfare and emotional warfare, the battlefield of themind. but we must, we must as a churchrise up and get healthy and give god less crisis intervention,you know, prayers to pray, just
so that we can live our everydaylives in a strong place. live long, live strong. sid: but when you teach, youteach you have to do this three-prong approach. what, coming into, this is thelast of the last days. laura: i believe you're right,sid. sid: we're going to see thegreatest miracles of all that is ever seen. but i believe that christians,because they read in the word
you're going to be healed, andthat's true. laura: it is true. sid: they don't take care oftheir body as much as, say, non-believers. laura: well and firstthessalonians 5:23 says that, "you will be kept blameless ofthe coming of the lord jesus, body, mind and spirit." so wecan receive some blame for some of the things that we do. i've had people come and ask forprayer for digestive issues, and
when i asked them what they eat,they say, trash. and i just think, oh father,there's a difference in healing and divine health, and i wantboth. that's what i want. i want both. so through that wholeexperience, i went through, i actually wound up going back toschool to become a nutritionist. sid: how did you get better,actually? laura: well honestly, i am afarmer's daughter, so i've
always had an appreciation forvegetables, but this was so much more. this involved reinventing myselfat night really being willing to lay down and waste time insleep, eight to nine hours sleep every night. and really, i've always been asabbath keeper, but that became very, very important in terms oftotally unplugging once a week. i mean, we turn our phones off. we just pull in as a family.
and then also, using specificfoods, i call them organ-friendly foods, thevegetables, different colors, are really good for specificorgans. and if you learn what those are,you can eat them every day and know that you're nourishing thatparticular organ. sid: i found that fascinatingbecause i'm not that knowledgeable in this area. but you found that just in acouple of days you can detox each organ using the medicine offood.
i love that. laura: but that's really themiracle is that how god has created our bodies to beginwith, he has created them that they want to be well. if we will give them the rightfuel, they will turn around. now i keep saying, you know,prevention as in you won't get sick to begin with. but it also is, i'm living proofthere is healing. god gave us things on the thirdday of creation and all of the
seed-bearing plants and ourvitamins, and our minerals. i was on some supplements at thetime. but nothing had a childproofcap. it was all made for a vegetableor a fruit or what have you, and i am just such a proponent now. i have everyone in my familydoing this. if i can turn my titanic-sizedfamily around, you know, then anybody can do it. sid: okay.
when we come back, how would youlike to find the secrets, the supernatural secrets she foundto detox your spirit, your soul and your body so you can benormal. i'll be right back. we'll be right back to it'ssupernatural. if you love watching our it'ssupernatural tv program, you can now watch hundreds of archiveprograms online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on your computer,your smart phone, your ipad or your favorite tablet.
sid: isn will be the vehicle toequip you to be normal, normal as defined by the bible. just log on to we now return to it'ssupernatural. sid: now i read the statisticthat you gave me. the u.s. center for disease control saysthere are 140 toxic chemicals that cause 70 percent of chronicdiseases. by the way, being a minister,why in the world did you go out
and get that certificate as anutritionist? why? laura: because i saw that wewere not whole. the army of god was not whole. we were treating one-third ortwo-thirds of ourselves and the enemy had a way in. he had a way in to wigglethrough and cause chaos in our lives. we are not even christian if wedon't have faith because it took
faith to become a christian. so that's why the enemy comesafter our faith. so statistics like that or alsoeven harvard university, harvard medical center, they came outwith a study that said, it was called "the gut brainconnection", and that connection showed that there is such a linkin between your brain and what happens in your digestive track. think about what happens whenyou have stage fright. you're nervous up here and yourtummy gets upset or you have a
gut reaction. they found that they were soconnected they should be considered one body system. so what that tells me is thatwhat you eat affects what you think. and the bible is very clearabout what you think affects your faith. so i'm proposing that what youeat can indirectly affect your faith.
sid: i've actually never heardthat before. but what she's saying is foodcan affect your faith and it's actually been scientificallyproven. how about fasting? what happens when we fast? how does that help us? laura: that is proof that foodaffects your spirit. when you fast, you are removingthe thing that, or many things that is causing you to grow inyour flesh instead of in your
spirit. how did sin enter the world inthe garden of eden? eve baked that apple pie orwhatever it was. sid: that's not what happened. laura: i know. whatever it was, it was throughher appetite. and esau sold his birthright fora pot of stew. satan even tempted jesus andsaid, "turn these stones into bread".
so appetite is so usable by god. if you will have appetites upfor him and if you will satisfy your natural appetite with thethings that he shows you, that is supernatural. sid: now tell me a few thingsyou might have done to get the toxins out of your body. laura: well the program that iput people on, the 30-day program, remember i told youabout those five categories that the prayer requests fell into, ibreak people's 30 days down into
five, those five categories oftheir lives, every prayer that they pray. and each one has six days. we spend six days on yourrelationships, six days on your finances. there's a devotional for eachday. you want to go in and say, lord,what happened to my marriage? why can't i get ahead? why can't i get healed?
why can't i get promoted? whatever. and then each of those six days,we detox three body systems, spending two days on each. and i found....sid: take one. laura: okay. this is a perfect example. when we're studyingrelationships, we are spending six days digging deeply intoevery relationship around you,
above you, beneath you, and itjust so happens that the color vegetable that is very good forthe body system we're detoxing that week, which is the heart,your cardiovascular system, your circulatory system, thatparticular week we're going to eat a lot of reds. isn't that easy to remember? reds in the heart. so it contains a littlesomething called lycopene. and everybody is trying to putit in a pill form now.
take your lycopene pill. i think just reach for somestrawberries or some red grapes, or some red peppers. easier, cheaper, much better forthe body. sid: i was asking you, actuallyyesterday, it just seemed to me that just a few days isn't goingto be long enough to detox a liver, a heart. but here's the issue. god has already given us filtersin our bodies.
our lungs filter, our kidneys,our liver, even our skin, it has a million little mouths on it. all right. so we already have filters. but we spend two days on each ofthose filters cleaning them out so that they can do their jobbecause god has already designed our body to do the job for us. but many people, if i can getsay, their filter gets dirty, and eventually what happens is,because their bodies are worn
down, it does affect theirfaith. there is no questioning, nogetting around it. if you feel ill in your body youare going to have a more difficult time approaching yourchristian walk with fervor, with confidence, with faith. so it is so connected. we cannot segregate them. and i get very, can you tell i'mvery passionate about this message.
sid: now there's a fringebenefit, by the way, because people that she's taught thiscourse for, they lose a lot of weight. give me an example of oneperson. laura: well i'm just going totell you. i have one person who's veryclose to me and he said, okay, well i'll do it. so he goes on this faith detoxand he's losing weight immediately, like five pounds,10 pounds.
he loses, in the course of the30 days, he loses 22 pounds and he is so transformed by it,body, mind and spirit that he says, "i think i'm just going tocontinue eating this way." so he does and now a week out, he'snow up to 25 pounds that he's lost. it's not water loss and it isnot protein loss. you eat four to five times aday, eat or drink something four to five times a day. you're not going to go hungryand nothing tastes like grass.
you have my word. but it's just amazing to me tohear that story along with other stories for men and women. and these are not just peoplewho have tons of weight to lose. but i am hearing from people allover the united states, all over the world, 17 pounds in 17 days,four pounds in the first five days. and they'll say the first fourdays was a real kicker, but now i have more energy and morefocus, and my body is fueled
with the right things. sid: you know, when we come backi want to find some simple supernatural ways to detox ourfaith. be right back. sid: tell me some of the faithkillers that stop us from being natural supernatural. laura: you know, what happenswhen you pray for someone to be healed and they're not, and thenmonths later, you get a call at 2:00 in the afternoon saying,someone has had a horrible
wreck, will you come do to thehospital with me and pray. and there's something inside ofyou that says, it didn't work last time, why is it going towork this time. but what you have to do is youhave to step back and look at what scripture says about theact of praying over someone, laying hands on someone, and youhave to quit preaching your experience and preach the word. if you do not do that, you willbegin to change your theology. your doctrine will startshifting everywhere.
so that's what i really try todo first is tether people back to the word. and why are my prayers notanswered? where are my prophesies, youknow, the fulfillment to my prophesies? all of these things, they'regoing to get up every day and they're going to read adevotional that deal with what i call these 30 universal faithtoxins. but we start there with the wordand with their spirit and then
turn our attention to theiremotions. and there are prayers that theypray to deal with the residues of that faith toxin. think about this. sid: let's take all the traumasthat we've had. laura: exactly. sid: the rejection we've had,failures that we've had. laura; grief, anger. sid: they all take a toll on us.
laura: they do. sid: how do we deal with it? laura: well you have to really,you have to confront those goliaths. you have to admit, i was woundedwalking through that. when my church split in two orwhen my church died, it hurt me. it wounded me. how am i going to deal with thatgrief? i have a lot of people toforgive, you see.
so yes, we pray these healingprayers in there that deal with the emotional residues of eachfaith toxin and then turn our attention to the correlatingbody detox. so i'm telling you, by the endof the 30 days, the devil has no place left in you that he canthrow a hook and keep you back from your future. so you can't just stuff andstuff, and stuff things that happen. you have to confront them andremove them from your life.
sid: i want you to lead us inone prayer to get rid of some of these toxins. laura: i would love to. heavenly father, i thank youright now that you have created us body, mind and spirit. first of all, we just repent fornot acknowledging that. on any level, any place whereyou have not been whole, where you have ignored your body, justtell the lord right now, i'm sorry.
i'm sorry. any place where you have ignoredyour emotions and not allowed yourself to be real, just tellhim, i'm sorry, no more. and any place in your spiritwhere you have not made him lord, where you have maybe noteven awakened to the holy spirit to fill you up, just tell him,lord, i'm sorry. and now, right now receive afresh impartation in all three. and i just declare over you thatno weapon that has formed against you will prosper.
not a single one. you are going to come out ofthis fire not even smelling like smoke. and now i pray that it would bea testimony to god that he would be famous because of thetestimony in your life. you have struggled and you havebeen through hardship. but guess what, you're stillstanding. you're still alive. so put praise in your mouth.
thank god for what he's doingbecause he can make a message out of your mess, a testimonyout of your test and a triumph out of every trial you've beenthrough. just tell him, i receive a newanointing right now, lord. i receive healing for my body, ireceive healing for my mind and i receive healing for my spirit. make me whole. amen. now it's done.
sid: god wants you to have a newbeginning. there is the natural and thereis the supernatural, and you are a three part being, just as godis a three-part being. if you don't, you know, a wiseman once said, definition of insanity, keep doing things thesame way and expect different results. laura: that's right. sid: well we jewish people havea word for it. it's meshuga.
that means crazy. make sure jesus is your messiahand lord. tell him you're sorry for yoursins. believe that his blood wipedaway your sins and paid everything for your sins. then ask him to live inside ofyou and believe his grace, his enabling power will allow you toovercome every problem in your life in jesus' name. do it right now.
sid: next week on it's supernatural! my guest is the son of one ofthe greatest healing evangelists in history. he's the son of oral roberts. his name is richard roberts. but this is what you don't know. five months ago he was activatedto a new level of healing. i am expecting the greatestoutpouring of miracles we have ever had.
we're ready for a holy spiritexplosion. your gifts to this ministry willhelp sid air it's supernatural in israel 28 times a week anddistribute his evangelistic book to the jewish people worldwide.

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